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Jordan Tepfer
Oct 26, 20222 min read
Living Your Daydream
“When we were kids in the back yard Playing astronauts and rock stars No one told us to stop it Called us unrealistic Then suddenly...

Jordan Tepfer
Oct 17, 20224 min read
The myth of work-life balance: why improving it, alone, is not the answer, and what is, instead
Work-life balance is a present-day workplace buzzword. A healthy one is something employees seek, and organizations increasingly...

Jordan Tepfer
Sep 23, 20222 min read
Truthfully, are you taking the steps necessary to get what you want?
It’s really easy to think, in general terms, about what we want, like: A job you love A beautiful house To travel and take exciting...
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Jordan Tepfer
Sep 17, 20225 min read
Are you working for retirement?
This is my personal story of how my lack of awareness and avoidance of the core issues had me working for retirement (in my late 20s),...

Jordan Tepfer
Sep 8, 20226 min read
Why your organization should hire an outside coach for its employees
Part I: Why there is a need for coaching: modern workplace challenges Retention, talent acquisition, and employee development After the...
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Jordan Tepfer
Aug 26, 20226 min read
Calling all perfectionists (and everyone else, too)! How to choose confidence and why you should.
When I made the decision to change careers and start my own business, there was no certainty and a million things that could go wrong...

Jordan Tepfer
Aug 19, 20224 min read
My most important investment: Why I work with a coach and will continue to for the rest of my life
Coaching is now part of my monthly budget, in perpetuity. Beyond the expenses related to basic needs (food, water, shelter), it’s the...

Jordan Tepfer
Aug 12, 20223 min read
How to determine if an employer's wellness policies are part of its culture
A company’s wellness policies are key talking points for recruiting and retention for many businesses, as employees place an increasingly...

Jordan Tepfer
Jul 27, 20223 min read
Are you wishing "their" days away? Here's all the motivation you need to make a change.
The My Story section within the Meet Jordan page of my website details my journey and how I became a coach, but this focuses on what...
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